Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: She Might Talk Crap About Me

A surprisingly sassy Farkle victim.

Lindsay: Hello.
Rob: hey, nice to meet you and good luck7
Lindsay: How did you know that I was 7?
Rob: lol, lucky guess!
Lindsay: I eat crayons.
Rob: I do finger paintings
Lindsay: They're waxy.
Rob: nice, leave a nice coat on your teeth?
Lindsay: I don't have any teeth
Rob: oh, too many sweets?
Lindsay: No. I ate some really thick caramel and my teeth stuck in it, and they all ripped out.
Rob: sounds like a bloody mess!
Lindsay: It was. My friends call me gummy worm.
Lindsay: I eat snow cones to scare them.
Rob: I suppose its better than gummy bear
Lindsay: It makes me look like I'm gumming icy blood.
Lindsay: I would rathe be a bear than a worm.
Lindsay: Bears can attack people. Worms can only eat dirt.
Rob: bears get shot and are fat lol
Lindsay: But they have claws.
Rob: cut a worm in half and you would have a friend for life
Lindsay: Not a very fun one. My friend would literally be a butt.
Rob: at least you could call her an ass and would be the butt of all your jokes
Lindsay: But she might talk crap about me.
Rob: thats true, sounds like a sh1t situation to be in
Lindsay: Maybe she would live on Poopey Pants Lane.
Rob: maybe she would know Winnie the Pooh too? Thats a bear
Lindsay: And then crap would hit the fan because she'll put crap in the honey.
Rob: lol
Rob: gg
Rob: happy christmas
Lindsay: MERRY Christmas.
Rob: finished!!??
Lindsay: I have no off button.

Opponent Left

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