Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: The French Mafia

Lindsay: Hello.
Doug: hi
Lindsay: How are you?
Doug: pretty good, yourself??
Lindsay: Not bad. I just got out of a coma though.
Doug: just got out of a coma - how long were you under?
Lindsay: 3 months.
Doug: did you have an accident?
Doug: how long have you been awake?
Lindsay: Well I got smacked in the head with a shovel, a brick, and a frying pan all at the same time.
Lindsay: About a week now.
Doug: Ouch - 
Lindsay: Yeah. Let's just say that you should never piss off the mafia.
Doug: unusual combo - how did that happen
Doug: sounds like you're lucky to be alive.
Lindsay: It was the French mafia, so the majority of them are gay. Nothing too serious.
Doug: lol
Doug: gg   take care of yourself

Opponent left.

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