Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Facebook Trolling: Lexi

Lexi: being broke is just...is just.... awe-full! im just sayin.

Lindsay: Especially when you want to buy shiny things. Like guns and sparkle paint.
Lexi: lindsay you a such a funny ratard
Lindsay:Thank you for pointing out my 'ratardness'. I do like to think that I am rat like, as I chew through extension cords and am constantly eating cheese. Also my estimated 30,000 children contribute to my ratardness. Also I can scuttle through small drain pipes at a high speed, whilst making as much noise as possible. I also carry a variety of diseases, so if you want to get out of anything I can get you sick, although the illness will probably be terminal. It's a gamble, but I do like to gamble in my free time when casinos are closed so I won't have brooms swung at me or screaming people spraying mace at my rat eyes.
Lexi: a ra-tard... not rat-ard...
Lindsay: I stand by my comment.

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