Saturday, November 17, 2012

5 Fashion Fads that Need to Die

There are so many options of what to wear in this modern world of ours. Some of those options are terrible and need to be destroyed. Here is a list of clothing items that need to die, and never be spoken of again.

Ponchos may have been cool back in the day when you could stuff them full of marijuana, bongs, and ukuleles, but now they're just stupid. Anyone wearing a poncho immediately puts any drug dogs in the vicinity at high alert, as ponchos generally mean you have a marijuana sauna going on underneath. Plus, you just look stupid. And I mean like, REALLY stupid.

Whenever I see someone casually wearing overalls, I immediately think that they are a reclusive serial killer that keeps dead bodies in the freezer as trophies, and owns a big ugly slobbering dog that eats the bones of the victims. Especially if they are barrel chested and have a weird beard and marble eyes. Honestly, very few people can get away with wearing overalls. Mainly day laborers. If you're an old man with a creepy beard, or an old lesbian woman who smokes, please do not wear overalls unless you really are a murderer. Overalls are usually a good indicator of whether or not you are going to be killed and eaten by a slobbering hound from Hell.

This one is a little iffy. Some people look really cool with suspenders, but then there are those who look like a corpsey old man (see left) or a pedophile. (Or both) Before you wear suspenders, please ask a brutally honest person (like myself) if you look like a corpsey old man and/or a pedophile. Suspenders are a tread carefully clothing item so please, if you are ugly, creepy, and/or fat do not wear suspenders.

If you are over the age of 12 and under the age of 85, please do not wear Crocs. They are ugly, and they make you look stupid. These are probably one of the ugliest "styles" I have seen in my lifetime, and I am a 90s child. That's really saying something. Crocs look bad, and if you wear Crocs, you should feel bad.

Ugly Hats
You would think that people would be smarter than this, but alas stupid always seems to prevail. It's bad enough when people voluntarily wear ugly hats, but they cross the line when they make their poor children wear ugly hats. (See above) This is a terrible problem that I really think someone should start a charity for. They proceeds would go to a responsible non ugly hat wearer in the child's life, so they could use that money to buy the child non ugly hats. Sounds good right? I thought so too.

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