Monday, December 10, 2012

Evaluation of Nutrition 1020

All you should know, is that I hated this class.

Question: How can this class be improved?

My Answer: Well the first improvement would be if this class was not a Nutrition class. I prefer to eat like a pig and move as little as possible, so I felt pretty bad about myself when I studied for this class. It would also be cool if there weren't 10 billion tests that made the bags under my eyes so big, I thought that my head would fall in. If anything, this class made my nutritional status worse since I had to study all of the time and was only able to eat fast-food, snacks, and Pepsi. In fact, Pepsi was the majority of what I consumed this semester since it doesn't require any special attention, like all of these recommended healthy, I-won't-end-your-life-suddenly foods. Personally, I would rather die early and happy and leave a beautiful cholesterol ridden, fat, and sodium filled corpse. Also, leaving a giant corpse would make an effective zombie in the event of a zombie apocalypse. I would definitely be remembered.

Question: What were the greatest strength of this course?

My Answer: It's emphasis on how common constipated preschoolers are.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?

My Answer: There really wasn't much interaction with the instructor, other than me emailing her when she forgot to grade my assignments, so I'm a bit unsure. However, I do have some advice for her. SHORTEN THE FINAL STUDY GUIDE. When I finished my study guide for the final it was 17 pages long. 17. Pages. Long. Also some of the questions on it were unclear and successfully made my brain begin to rebel against me. I mean it threw an all out riot in my skull asking me things like, "why are you doing this to me?", "why aren't we playing Skyrim?", and the most prominent question/complaint was, "Do I have to?". My eyes also began rebelling, as when I started to study they immediately glazed over and wouldn't focus properly, like a camera lens slathered in bloodhound slobber. So I guess to put this all in English my advice is to make studying a little bit easier and ask clearer questions, so there is no more organ rebellions.

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