Monday, February 27, 2012

Movies with Lindsay: Toy Story 3

Because I live with a small child, I have seen this movie a million times. I could seriously write the script from memory. But, for a review I have several favorite moments and characters in this movie. The first: the drunken lazy eyed baby that lives in the bathroom.

"I know nothing but pain."

This baby is seriously the worst toy ever. I mean look at it's face! Who wants a lazy eyed hungover baby that can turn it's head around in a matter of milliseconds? The picture above almost makes the big ugly baby appealing. Let's try this one:
"I know where you keep the gun."
Creepy right? The next problem that I find with this film is the scene where Lotso is thrown into the dumpster and one of the stupid alien toys gets caught in the dumpster somehow. When Woody releases the dumb little toy, Lotso mysteriously grabs Woddy's ankle. I assume that the evil bear is some sort of witch and can levitate, using his walking stick as a wand.

"I'll curse your children!"
I also love in the dumpster scene where Lotso punches the big drunkard of a baby with his cane (or wand as it is secretly known) in the stomach as hard as he possibly can. What would have made his cruelty even more real to the viewer is if the hungover infant would have projectile vomited onto Lotso. But that's just me. So that's that for this review. Overall Toy Story 3 is an alright movie. I liked it the first time I saw it, but now it has become a routine event in my life, so I no longer have any feelings towards it.

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