Monday, February 27, 2012

Video Games with Lindsay: Cause of Death Episode 1

Cause of Death. What can I say. This game is very fun and massively addicting. Here is the first episode in review.
You start off as the murderer's victim, which is always an empowering position. Once you run away from the murderer's lair you discover that you are on the deck of a ship. You are then given a choice. Threaten the murderer of plead with him. I chose to threaten him and the snarky little jerk replied with this:
Thanks a-hole. 
I mean he could be a little nicer. But I guess that's a murderer for you. Since this wasn't flattering my soon to be dead character had quite the insult up her sleeve.
Clever right?
Since the little dummy can't win her life with words, this happened:

The cries of the dead little sea lion.
The next day, little sea lion is found floating around by some sea heathen and is reported to the police. You then play the game as Detective Mal Fallon, who goes to examine corpsy the clown and is bombarded by a woman taking pictures. You are then given two choices of what to say:
I think the best choice is obvious.
The rude woman rudely shut you up and introduces herself as:
Mr. Fallon asks if he can call her Nat for short and he gets this reply:
"Let me stab you in the stomach while I'm here."
Rude. So very rude. After a while you receive a lead to a club. On the drive "Special Agent Williams" and Mal have a great conversation. Mal discovers that "Special Agent Williams" pissed off her boss, and as punishment she has to work on the case in the game. Mal tactfully asks his burning question:
Nailed it.
There wasn't really anything else of note in the first episode of this game. Overall, I liked this episode and plan to play more. Stay tuned for the review of the second episode! Over and out. (Kachow!)

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