Monday, February 27, 2012

Interviewing Kristen

So I needed to interview someone for my Communications class so I chose to interview Kristen. Here is her responses (in red):

Why did you choose this career path?
Good question. I decided to be a cat food tester because really, I get to try out awesome food and get paid a bundle for it. And it’s really nice I get to try the new flavors before anyone else does! How exciting is that?
Why do you feel that Criminal Justice is important society? What does in contribute or take away from society?
Well sir, I feel that the CJ system is totally not important at all. I think we should have no rules.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Murry from Sesame Street. He is that fluffy orangish red guy if you didn’t know. Sometimes, his arms are uneven. Like he is wearing a shirt but one arm is like half a foot higher than the other, you know?
Who or what inspired you to pursue this career?
That would have to go to Ovejeta—Murry’s sheep on Sesame Street. I don’t understand a word s/he says. Actually, now that I am writing this, I have no idea what gender that sheep is. Weird.
What parts of your life have influenced you the most in your career?
I actually don’t remember much of my life so I guess yesterday.
What is your goals in your career choice?
To grow cat whiskers like all my other colleagues.
What do you want people to gain from working with you?
A sense of happiness yet fear at the same time. If people were always happy where would we be? We would be thirsty! Very thirsty!

Is there anything else you want to add?
Yes, just one thing….MEOW!!!!

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