Friday, March 9, 2012

Video Games with Lindsay: Surviving High School (iOS)

This game is incredibly dramatic. You do one wrong thing and it haunts you for the rest of the gameplay. So I created my character by the name of SlickWilly and decided to do EVERYTHING wrong. And by everything I mean everything. First the introductions:
"I'll comment on your name later."
First we meet Beth; the all around American cheerleader. Blond, blue eyed stereotypical girl. Of course. Then here comes SlickWilly. Greasy haired SlickWIlly. He tries to make a move on Beth immediately because SlickWilly is slick like a perverted little snake. Here's how it went down:

Of course SlickWilly picked option number 2.
She got upset for some reason.
This kept going for a while until tactful SlickWilly said this:
Nice save.
Little miss muffet replied:
He's always had that effect on people. Even his mother.
SlickWilly has always been suave. Later the little scum got in a fight for attempting to hit on blue eyes. After being repeatedly punched in the stomach, he was supposed to register for classes, when the helpful counselor said this:
Sounds like my high school counselor. Except I was the one doing the beating.
After registering for three, count 'em, three whole classes SlickWilly went to his first class. English. SlickWilly was greeted by the high school jock.
Handsome, no?
After the little nerd informs SlickWilly that there is a quiz every Monday (for some cruel reason) SlickWilly informed 'Spud' that he knew about the quizzes already. This went over extremely well.
Snot nosed little bozo.
It was then time for SlickWilly's first quiz. This was the teacher's general reaction to SlickWilly and his slick ways of life. 
"Just like marijuana farms!"
Here is the result of SlickWilly's quiz:
SlickWilly is the brightest of the bunch.

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