Sunday, March 11, 2012

Movies with Lindsay: Cloverfield

Ah Cloverfield. This movie is great. But that's because it ended exactly how I wanted it to. But more of that later. This movie is about a group of people that try to survive a monster attack on Manhattan. Here's the cute little monster:
"I can pick my nose with my teeth!"
This movie was great because everyone died. I have always wanted to see a movie where everyone dies in the end, so I was super happy with the ending, as I kept hoping everyone would die sooner than they did. The characters are whiny and annoying, so the monster really did viewers a favor by killing them. My problem with this movie is that the military bombed the monster, and that just pissed it off. BOMBS EXPLODE MONSTERS. That's the rule that they broke in this movie, which was stupid. I mean, c'mon bombs are bombs. It's not like they were throwing toothpicks at it. But whatever. They died, so I'm happy.

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