Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Omegle Adventures: Part II

Stranger: asl
You: That information is classified.
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: hi
You: Greetings
Stranger: m
You: Location?
Stranger: usa
You: I'll be sending help to you right away, madam.
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: M
You: Age?
Stranger: 15
You: Your mother is looking for you M aged 15. Best report back soon. She might get worried.
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: hi
You: Greetings friend! Do you wish to look as happy as me? Just send one dollar to Happy Dude at 742 Evergreen Terrace. Happiness is only a dollar away!
Stranger has disconnected

You: Oh, I trust that.
Stranger has disconnected.

You: Hello
You: No way! Shut up!
You: Do you ever stop talking?
You: Goodness me.
You: I don't think that story is true.
You: Stop talking! It's all LIES!
You: You don't know me. You have no idea what I've been through!
You: *sob sob sob*
You: You're just saying that because deep down you know that you love me!
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: ohhh woooow
Stranger: how u gusse
Stranger: babby
You: How dare you.
Stranger: u girl or boy
You: I stare at you, and judge you harshly!
You: Neither. I am a sophisticated woman!
You: Shame!
Stranger: ohh ok
Stranger: u want to me
You: I can't even begin to describe my horror over that excuse of a sentence.
Stranger: i wanna see u
You: I think I just barfed a little over your grammatical atrocities.
Stranger: wht ur name
Stranger: ??
You: Sister Grammar
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: nice name
Stranger: do u have facebook
You: I indeed have a face and a few books actually.
You: Perhaps you should read a book one of these days.
Stranger: u wanna me
You: You are a grotesque little shrew aren't you?
Stranger: yes or no
You: Is this a trick question?
You: Oh just kidding, the answer is no, and will always be no. I am just far too uncomfortable with your grammar situation.
Stranger: im singal i dont have g
Stranger: gf
You: Well I can't see why not as you are clearly a winner. *cough..lies..cough cough*
Stranger: well u merry me
You: You really don't take blunt messages well do you?
Stranger: ur age ?
You: I am 5!/3!.
Stranger: nice
You: And how old are you little girl?
Stranger: im not girl im boy 27old
You: You have had 27 years to figure out how to write a sentence. Sigh. This is why humanity is dead.
Stranger: i dont knw wht ur think abut me ??
Stranger: do u have other acumt
You: I don't know what you says to me??
You: No I am fresh out of "acumts".
Stranger: no facebook do u have
Stranger: u like me or not
You: I would like you to use your best judgement and tell me if I like you or not.
Stranger: okkkk
Stranger: 9********* tht my phone number
Stranger: call me now
You: That's not going to happen.
Stranger: why
You: Why do you think?
You: (Think really hard)
Stranger: u lice me ?
You: *Facepalm*
Stranger: wht ?
Stranger: give me ur skype id
You: I don't know whether I should be sad for you or if I should be sad for the education system.
Stranger: i dont knw eht u says
You: A dictionary might help.
You: (That's the big book with words in it)
Stranger: where ur from ??
You: Mars
Stranger: bye
Stranger: i dont want u
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: m
You: Hello
You: And what is your emergency, m?
Stranger: f?
You: Ma'am this line is for emergencies only.
Stranger: no need to be a smartass.
You: Ma'am do you need me to call an ambulance for you?
Stranger has disconnected

Stranger: hi whatt r u doin ??
You: Oh you know, hunting elephants.
Stranger has disconnected

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