Friday, February 3, 2012

Video Games with Lindsay: Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

Ah Resident Evil 4. Overall one of the greatest games for the Wii. However there are some things that I have comments on. First up, the chainsaw maniacs:
"Let's cuddle."
The chainsaw maniacs are one of the most terrifying characters in this game. While playing I came across some chainsaw maniacs. So naturally I shot it in the face with the Mine Gun (The gun that shoots mine darts that have delayed explosions). They're knocked down, but evidently they have a face of steel, because they fall down and get back up. With their chainsaw still running. Next weapon to try is the missile launcher. Still takes an enormous amount of ammo. The creators of this game obviously want to display their ultimate power over the gamers life by throwing in chainsaw wielding cockroaches that take 3 nuclear explosions to kill.

Next up: The Iron Maidens
Hugs anyone?
The Iron Maiden is by far the most terrifying creature in the game. When I first came across this creature I didn't see it. I heard it. The sound of the Iron Maiden breathing is the most terrifying noise in video game history. Then when it finally makes it's way around the corner, looking like it's walking on a rolling pin, it is difficult to kill it. Though, the infinite missile launcher makes short work of them. Even with an infinite missile launcher, the Iron Maiden is the most terrifying and monstrously ugly creature in history.

Next: Ashley Graham

"I'm terrible!"
Ashley has to be the worst character ever. She is completely useless. Besides being useless she is ALWAYS in the way. You want to break a barrel with your knife? Guess who jumps in front of the knife? Yep that's right. Ashley Graham. Shooting something? This hideous little chipmunk will stick her nose in your gun barrel at the last second. BAM! You failed your mission. Game over.

Next: Ramon Salazar

Ramon Salazar has to be the most annoying villain of all times. He has a shrill voice, which is similar to a banshee on fire. He may look pretty wimpy, but he's quite the opposite as he transforms into a man eating plant of some sort and can kill you with one hit, as he rips your head clean off. His bodyguards are just as bad, as they also like to slice your head off.  He truly gives midgets a bad name.

Next: Ada Wong
"No one will ever understand my purpose in this game."
Ada Wong has some serious issues. First she is on a island full of parasitic zombies IN A DRESS. What possibly went through her head when she decided to wear a dress to the zombie parade will forever be a mystery to me. Perhaps she has a thing for young male zombies that have absolutely no control over their strong desire to kill everything possible. Ada really had no purpose in this game. It could have done just fine without her in it, as she has absolutely no value to this game. My guess is that she is a mentally challenged wannabe zombie queen that is starving for attention. Makes sense to me.

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