Sunday, December 16, 2012

Overrated People and Things that Don't Deserve It

I have no particular order for all this crap, but just know that everything here is overrated moon-poop.

Justin Bieber
I thought this was a really ugly lesbian at first.
I think this is a pretty obvious one. How has this kid NOT been assassinated yet? Or eaten by a pack of dogs? Seriously though, Bieber is probably more torturous for dogs than humans, and that is definitely saying something. Every time I see a photo of Bugly (my nickname for Bieber), it makes my pupils reduce to venomous little pin-pricks of hatred. How is this ugly little snot famous? As far as I'm concerned, a bag of hamsters thrown into a wood-chipper is more pleasing to listen to than Bugly.

Umm which one is the guy?
Twilight is stupid to put it simply. Vampires everywhere have been insulted by this series, and for a good reason. It's like a dragonfly. You take something really stupid (like a stone faced gargoyle girl, and an obvious pervert) and combine it with something cool (like vampires) and hope that the cool part (vampires) makes everything else cool. Failure. Absolute terrible FAILURE. They also made werewolves look stupid. Here is a lesson to everyone:
This is a vampire. They will beat the soul juice out of you.

This is a sad disco ball with a drug problem. It's best if we just leave it to die.
Michael Jackson
"People are in color now?"
Why does this guy have so much cred? He looks like a poorly molded mannequin that is stuck in a corner wearing an ugly sweater with awkward arm angles. 
His nose more specifically looks like it is permanently pressed against glass. Honestly, this chalk-faced goon is something you would see in old cartoons where only the characters' eyes move. I can understand why he was popular back in the day when he was a cute little kid that made some pretty sweet music, but he is more popular now that he is dead, ugly, and gross. This guy is child molester! Don't you remember when he dangled a baby off of a balcony?! Whatever. The point is, stop glorifying this guy. 

Lady GaGa
Abducted eyebrow syndrome
Lady GaGa used to be kinda cool when she first became popular, but eventually she just became too weird. With the shoulder pads, meat suits, and egg entrances she kinda became too much. Too much crazy. Plus her music sucks, and her music videos make no sense at all. I honestly think that GaGa has some sort of mental disorder where she is so desperate for attention that she covers herself in glue and rolls around in a random assortment of things until it slightly resembles clothes. I call this GaGa Spiral Psychosis. Hear that WebMD? I have a new disease for you to diagnose everyone with!

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