Friday, December 21, 2012

Evaluation of Communications 1050

This class was boring. The end.

Question: How can this class be improved?

My answer: It would really help if this class wasn't so repetitive. It was like being trapped in a box. A tiny little box. And all of the corners of that box are the exact same. You visit every corner and it's all the same. It's a different corner, but it is the same. (Mind blown. Ka-blooey!) Anyways, the point is all of the assignments were generally the same, and it made me tired. Tired and sad.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this course?

My answer: I don't know. It's face?

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?

My answer: She seemed to have a super human ability to be nice to everyone, no matter how irritating the students could be. If anyone could be killed with kindness, this professor would be a serial killer.

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