Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: Lollipop Lane

Lindsay: Hello.
Noreen: hi and gl
Lindsay: Thank you. How are you?
Noreen: i!m fine and u
Lindsay: Good. Even though an escaped rhino just mauled me.
Noreen: LOL
Lindsay: It's not funny! My ankles can touch the back of my head now.
Noreen: where was the rhino in your back yard?
Lindsay: No on the street.
Lindsay: In a dark scary alley.
Noreen: in which city
Lindsay: Tinseltown on Lollipop Lane. Why does it matter?
Noreen: not at all I just didn!T want to bump into him in my home town
Lindsay: I hit him in the head with a board and it died so it doesn't matter.
Noreen: thank you
Lindsay: For what? Killing a rabid rhino?
Noreen: very nice that makes up for the pain you suffered
Lindsay: Not really. He collapsed on my head.
Noreen: had fun bye
Lindsay: Whatever.

Opponent Left

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