Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Facebook Trolling: Nikki Part 2

Nikki: Mt. Dew is amazing!

Lindsay: Mt. Dew seems very insignificant when compared to a jet pack dinosaur if you ask me. Unless the Mt. Dew is used as it's jet fuel. Then the dinosaur not only managed to escape extinction and invent a jet pack that can sustain it's weight, but it would have found an alternative fuel source that isn't gasoline. That's what I want to be when I grow up. Then I could hand out business cards that say: "Lindsay: The Amazing Dinosaur that invented a jet pack, (that she uses to travel across seas and galaxies) avoided extinction, (but in reality is an overgrown child in a dinosaur costume) and successfully used Mt. Dew as an alternative fuel source" I don't know if I'll make any money for my accomplishments, but I'm certain that a circus or something similar would recruit me immediately. As a member of the circus team, I will make it my personal goal to makes the species known as 'Clowns' extinct, as they often frustrate parents and make children cry.
The soon to be amazing Mt. Dew powered jet pack dinosaur,

Nikki: Wow Lindsay you amaze me :)

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