Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: It Was Waiting For Me

Lindsay: Hello.
Deanne: hi, gl
Lindsay: Thank you and good luck to you.
Lindsay: How are you?
Deanne: on a loosing streak. otherwise pretty good
Lindsay: I see. A tree just fell on me.
Deanne: shut up..... really???
Lindsay: Um yes. Please don't tell me to shut up.
Deanne: sorry, 
how did that happen
Lindsay: A beaver that I pissed off chewed it down while I walked by.
Deanne: wow, that must have been one fast beaver
Lindsay: It was waiting for me.
Deanne: i hate when that happens
Lindsay: I know right! I mean I only hit it in the head with a brick
Deanne: gg, you are one tough girl
Lindsay: I'm not sure what that means

Opponent left.

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