Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: I'll Kick Your Neck Off

Lindsay: Hello.
Joey: Hi!
Lindsay: How are you?
Joey: doing good. u?
Lindsay: Good. Even though most of my face was blown off by fire.
Joey: huh
Lindsay: Never smoke while you gas up your car.
Joey: yea, thats not smart
Lindsay: You calling me dumb?
Joey: not smart
Lindsay: So your calling me stupid?
Joey: not smart
Lindsay: Not smart means stupid. Is that what you're trying to say?
Lindsay: If your calling me stupid I'll kick your neck off.
Joey: but you live so far from here
Lindsay: You don't know where I live or where I can go.
Joey: you can go anywhere you want
Lindsay: Exactly. So who is stupid?
Joey: i guess me if your gonna kick my neck off
Lindsay: Unless you quit calling me stupid
Joey: how do you kick a neck off anyways
Lindsay: You kick it like a soccer ball.

Opponent Left

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