Monday, August 22, 2011

The Family Feud Email

A while ago I got this email titled "Family Feud". Thinking it would be some witty answers that were on past episodes on the game show Family Feud I decided to check it out. It turns out that it was asking ME questions. The following is my very serious answers.

1. Name something you use in the shower? DVDs
2. Name something you buy in a deli? Corpses
3. Something people hate to find on their windshield? Air
4. Name something a man might buy before a date? A gun
6. What is something you cook in the microwave? Spoons
7. Name a piece of furniture people need help moving? Box cutters.
8. Name a reason a younger man might like an older woman? For her parents.
9. Name something a dog does that embarrasses its owner? Existence
10. Name a kind of test you cannot study for? Survival
11. Name something a boy scout gets a badge for? Getting away with murder.
12. Name a phrase with the word 'home' in it? Where has my home gone?
13. Name a sport where players lose teeth? Drunk driving
14. Name something a teacher can do to ruin a good day? Pull out a shotgun.
15. Name something that can brighten your day? The sun.
16. Name a bird you wouldn't want to eat? Worm
17. Name something a person wears even if it has a hole in it? Skin
18. Name something that gets smaller the more you use it? Hands
19. What's the first thing you do when you get home? Make fake IDs.

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