Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: Kool-Aid and Muppets

Lindsay: Hello.
Chad: hi
Lindsay: How are you?
Chad: good and u
Lindsay: I am alright. Even though one of my legs was torn off on a roller coaster.
Chad: damn that not good
Lindsay: Well at first everyone in the amusement park thought that it was Kool-Aid at first which made them happy.
Chad: lol
Lindsay: Then they saw the source of the alleged Kool-Aid and then they were not too happy.
Chad: i bet they wernt
Chad: where that happend at
Lindsay: It caused some of them to protest amusement parks because I crushed their dreams of it raining Kool-Aid.
Chad: lol
Lindsay: New Mexico.
Lindsay: Also I ignored the sign saying to not stand up so now my chin is on my forehead. It's really hard to see.
Lindsay: I look like a muppet now.
Chad: u play the gui
Lindsay: Only when no one is looking.
Chad: lol
Lindsay: I'm not sure that I appreciate you laughing at my deformities
Chad: gg

Opponent left.

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