Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: Devil Talk

Matthew: Hi Lindsay, good luck.
Lindsay: Hello Mathew. Thank and good luck to you.
Lindsay: How are you?
Matthew: Doing alright. Haven't lost all my chips to little old ladies yet today.
Matthew: How about you?
Lindsay: I'm alright. Even though my car engine exploded right in my face.
Matthew: That stinks. What happened?
Lindsay: Turns out there was a family of small racoons in my engine. I started my car and it sounded funny so I opened the hood.
Lindsay: Then BANG! No more racoon family. Unless you would like to glue them back together.
Matthew: EEwwwwww!!!!!
Matthew: I ground up a cat that way one time. It was a complete mess.
Lindsay: Was the cats stomach full of partially digested garbage? I think not.
Matthew: Wow, thats bad.
Lindsay: That's a mild version of what my dad said.
Matthew: Did it do a bunch of damage or just make a mess?
Lindsay: Both.
Matthew: Wonder what the insurnace company would say to that claim?
Lindsay: I don't believe in insurance. It's of the devil.
Matthew: You must live in one of those few states that doesn't require it.
Matthew: Although it is a neccessary evil, you have to protect yourself sometimes with it.
Lindsay: No. That's devil talk.
Matthew: Until someone sues you for something ridiculous.
Lindsay: Devil talk.
Lindsay: My harpoon is protecting me pretty well anyways.
Lindsay: See ya sucka.
Matthew: Great game, good luck with the car repairs.
Matthew: Punk.
Lindsay: That's my name.
Matthew: lol

Opponent Left

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