Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farkle Trolling: Alcohaul

An unusually friendly Farkle victim...

Lindsay: Hello.
Lindsay: How are you?
Brock: good how are you
Lindsay: Good. I just stole from my neighbors.
Lindsay: I stole their heater so I am nice and warm now.
Brock: I see lol thats good
Lindsay: I think that i may have smashed their pet bird in the process though.
Brock: ooops
Lindsay: It looked diseased anyways.
Brock: better off then
Lindsay: The cat ate it like a pancake though.
Brock: yummy
Lindsay: Indeed. I have 17 fingers.
Brock: wow thats neat
Lindsay: That's not what the doctor said.
Brock: i'm sure they were impressed
Lindsay: By they I am guessing that you somehow found out that my doctor has multiple personalities.The day I went in he was Dr.Slaughter
Brock: just a lucky guess
Lindsay: He likes cookies.
Brock: who dosent?
Lindsay: Me.
Lindsay: I'm a diabetic.
Lindsay: And I have OCD.
Brock: well thats too bad sorry to hear that
Lindsay: And antisocial disorder.
Brock: hmmmm sounds very personal
Lindsay: I can't hold any secrets. 
Lindsay: Sometimes I barf.
Brock: i cant hold my alcohaul
Lindsay: I cnat spell eezer.
Brock: it scks dosnt it
Lindsay: My cats breath smells like cat food.
Lindsay: I like Wookies.
Lindsay: The end.

Opponent left.

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