Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Willy's first Farkle Trolling

Willy is now playing Farkle where he is able to socialize with others. Here is what happened: (The chat is on the right side.)

Shawna couldn't even stand to look at Willy apparently. 
To Willy's delight, he found a fellow pig owner.
The full conversation got cut off so here it is:

Willy: how is you?
Mary: Im really sucking at this game
Mary: Ive lost 3 in a row
Willy: it could be worser
Mary: ya it could but that was pretty bad
Mary: nice
Willy: if it make you feel better i ran over my favorite pet. he dead now. i sad
Mary: that is sad
Willy: he be bacon soon. me eat him and cry
Mary: ur funny
Willy: why me funny? you laugh at my face?
Mary: it is quite hilarious
Willy: me got hit by train
Mary: looks good for getting hit by a train
Willy: you nice
Mary: thanks
Mary: u made my day a little happier
Willy: you type in big ugly man in gooble you find my picture
Mary: lol
Willy: it true
Opponent left.

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