Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Sims on Facebook: Introduction to Dr. Slaughter

So there is a game on Facebook called the Sims Social. I am using this game as a way to conduct my scientific experiments. Here is the test subject:
Say hello to Dr. Slaughter
Yes that's right. The test subjects name is Dr. Slaughter. My first experiment was to place her in an environment similar to a jungle full of garbage, thorn bushes, and mushrooms. Here it is after a few days:
The shack in the middle is the living quarters for Miss Slaughter. 
The next experiment was to sell Dr. Slaughter's shower to see how she copes. She started to wash her hands in the sink until she was clean. Of course this was unacceptable. So, the sink is gone too. Here she is after a few minutes:
It must be sweltering  hot in that mushroom filled forest.

Next I moved the toilet outside. The little stink bag broke it almost immediately.

After given these poor excuses for blessings this was Dr. Slaughter's face:
More experiments will come soon!

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