Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Sims on Facebook: Invincible

Oh yes. Dr. Slaughter is back. And this time her environment is much worse than before. For a few weeks I have been testing her will to survive, much like in a Saw movie. Her test: Break out of the bathroom before she dies. After discovering that she somehow flew out of door less rooms, this was my solution:
If only I would have had the funds for a thousand mirrors so she could look at  her pathetic scarred face.
At first, Miss Slaughter just stood there and itched herself like a flea-bitten baboon in a cage. After a few minutes she began to have problems. First to go was her hygiene.

The little monkey trying to wash her cloud away in a puddle in the corner.

 Next to go; her energy:
"If only I had the brain power to climb onto the bed blocking the door..."

Next to go; her ticking time bomb (a.k.a. her bladder):
After becoming bored of watching her pointless little life slipping away, I went to play Xbox. About 20 minutes of my torturing of the little roach a very calm lifeguard Sim came along to tell me what I really didn't care about.
"You're Sim is in pain. Like, you should totally help her."
After several days of this I discovered one of the most disappointing things since the rise of Justin Bieber: Slaughter cannot be killed. After days of accidents on the floor and stink clouds, Slaughter has survived this trial of the experiments.

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