Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Willy's first Farkle Trolling

Willy is now playing Farkle where he is able to socialize with others. Here is what happened: (The chat is on the right side.)

Shawna couldn't even stand to look at Willy apparently. 
To Willy's delight, he found a fellow pig owner.
The full conversation got cut off so here it is:

Willy: how is you?
Mary: Im really sucking at this game
Mary: Ive lost 3 in a row
Willy: it could be worser
Mary: ya it could but that was pretty bad
Mary: nice
Willy: if it make you feel better i ran over my favorite pet. he dead now. i sad
Mary: that is sad
Willy: he be bacon soon. me eat him and cry
Mary: ur funny
Willy: why me funny? you laugh at my face?
Mary: it is quite hilarious
Willy: me got hit by train
Mary: looks good for getting hit by a train
Willy: you nice
Mary: thanks
Mary: u made my day a little happier
Willy: you type in big ugly man in gooble you find my picture
Mary: lol
Willy: it true
Opponent left.

The Adventures of Willy: An Introduction

I have taken my Facebook trolling to a whole new level. You'll soon see why. Meet Willy McSquibbly:
Attractive, no?
Birth date: October 31st, 1910
Marital Status: Widowed
Employer: Da Slaughta House at Da Farm
Languages: Pig Latin and English with a Russian accent
Religious Views: Derp
Political Views: Fire
Favorite Quote: It dead when it die.
People that inspire Willy: Barbwa Walta
Favorite Sports: Witch Burnin (i burns witches)
Favorite books: Me can't read books. Theys bad.
Favorite Television Show: Jeperdy
About Willy: Me have no nose.

Here is Willy's very own Facebook page:

The Sims on Facebook:Time to be a Doctor

I've decided that it's time for Dr. Slaughter to finally fill her true role; an unlicensed doctor from Hell. The first thing I did was sell everything that Slaughter owned. Eventually I became nauseated by the overwhelming complaints from that dope in a hat. I got her the essential living supplies, plus some extra so she'd shut up.
Little moron trying to get past the crystal to get to her marijuana in the fridge.
After my reunion with more complaints about the meteorite crystal that landed in front of the fridge I punished the little weasel with some work that is normally performed by a dwarf of some sort.

Like a dwarf from Snow White but with stars!
After her hard work the hog went and raided the fridge while I made Dr. Slaughter's operating rooms for vic-I mean patients that are low on cash and highly tolerant of pain and unnecessary knee cap removals.
Featuring oven mitts for gloves, a butcher knife, and kitchen (operation) tools.
 So far no one has been desperate enough to get any oozing lumps or disfigured spines fixed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Sims on Facebook: Invincible

Oh yes. Dr. Slaughter is back. And this time her environment is much worse than before. For a few weeks I have been testing her will to survive, much like in a Saw movie. Her test: Break out of the bathroom before she dies. After discovering that she somehow flew out of door less rooms, this was my solution:
If only I would have had the funds for a thousand mirrors so she could look at  her pathetic scarred face.
At first, Miss Slaughter just stood there and itched herself like a flea-bitten baboon in a cage. After a few minutes she began to have problems. First to go was her hygiene.

The little monkey trying to wash her cloud away in a puddle in the corner.

 Next to go; her energy:
"If only I had the brain power to climb onto the bed blocking the door..."

Next to go; her ticking time bomb (a.k.a. her bladder):
After becoming bored of watching her pointless little life slipping away, I went to play Xbox. About 20 minutes of my torturing of the little roach a very calm lifeguard Sim came along to tell me what I really didn't care about.
"You're Sim is in pain. Like, you should totally help her."
After several days of this I discovered one of the most disappointing things since the rise of Justin Bieber: Slaughter cannot be killed. After days of accidents on the floor and stink clouds, Slaughter has survived this trial of the experiments.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Sims on Facebook: Introduction to Dr. Slaughter

So there is a game on Facebook called the Sims Social. I am using this game as a way to conduct my scientific experiments. Here is the test subject:
Say hello to Dr. Slaughter
Yes that's right. The test subjects name is Dr. Slaughter. My first experiment was to place her in an environment similar to a jungle full of garbage, thorn bushes, and mushrooms. Here it is after a few days:
The shack in the middle is the living quarters for Miss Slaughter. 
The next experiment was to sell Dr. Slaughter's shower to see how she copes. She started to wash her hands in the sink until she was clean. Of course this was unacceptable. So, the sink is gone too. Here she is after a few minutes:
It must be sweltering  hot in that mushroom filled forest.

Next I moved the toilet outside. The little stink bag broke it almost immediately.

After given these poor excuses for blessings this was Dr. Slaughter's face:
More experiments will come soon!