Friday, May 1, 2015

Evaluation of Package Design

In this class we used a program called Blender to create 3D models and animations of various packages and relating objects. 

How can this class be improved?
One thing I would recommend is to teach Blender at the beginning of the semester, rather than at the end so people can have a little more time to figure out the basics. Since I greatly enjoy pushing buttons I figured out quite a bit on my own, but I think that teaching it sooner would be beneficial for those that are hesitant to slam their palm on the keyboard just to see what happens. 
Also, let me just say that I was greatly disappointed that the professor didn't bring his R2-D2 replica bot (replibot? Can we please call it that?) to class. If R2 could have somehow taught the class or at least do that one scream he does when he is shot, that would have made me massively happy. In case a recording for said scream is needed, may I just say that I do an excellent impression. Feel free to ask my siblings and neighbors if you need to. I'm sure that my neighbors enjoy hearing me imitate R2 screaming at 1:30 in the morning, and will give me a shining recommendation. 

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
I think that by using Blender in the class, it reminded us as designers to think of objects in a 3 dimensional way rather than as a flat object. It did for me anyways. I'm aware that other students hated Blender and it has possibly made them homicidal, but I think that introducing new software is a good way to teach students to adapt and think in a different way. Now that I have used Blender I see all animations differently, and it's a view I never would have obtained otherwise. 

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
He is extremely easy to get along with. He was great to work with, and was always more than willing to answer any questions. He also took my sassing really well. This is great because I usually manage to offend people rather quickly. He was good to sass back and poke fun at himself. This was good, because my main form of communication is insults that are not meant in an insulting manner. Well, depending on who you are anyways. He was also very knowledgeable about the subject he taught. You can tell that it is something that he is genuinely interested in, which makes him more effective as an instructor. 

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