Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Anxiety Fire and Snake Tornados

As someone that suffers from anxiety issues, sometimes getting through the day without vomiting can be a challenge. My anxiety is sometimes triggered by things that haven't even happened. But they could happen, and that's what sets me off. Usually though, my anxiety is sparked by me panicking over whether I have forgotten to do something, or if I did something wrong. 

Once I get thinking this way normal social interactions become awkward and weird, as I tend to say the first thing that comes to mind rather than an appropriate response. 
Then they start staring at me.
And then I know I did something wrong.
And they keep looking at me.
And I just stare.

This usually seems to result in the other person slowly backing away, while I go back to my anxiety riddled thoughts. And of course, this awkward interaction later becomes the fuel for my anxiety fire.
Being anxious is probably one of the worst feelings in the world. It feels as if there's a tornado of flaming snakes in your stomach topped with unpredictable sweating. If you are fortunate enough to have never suffered from anxiety, you are either an infant (do your parents know where you are?) or you need to get out more. Let's all acknowledge that anxiety is an actual issue for people, and agree not to look at the person with the squeaky chair with judgmental eyes. Unless of course it happens repeatedly. In that case, that jerk deserves your harsh judgmental eyes. Let's all just agree that it's the worst and move along with our day.

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