Saturday, December 6, 2014

Evaluation of Media Management

How can this class be improved?
Well right off, I'd ditch all the ridiculous quizzes. Those forced me to memorize a bunch of junk I don't have any particular interest for, which means I remember none of it. The open book quizzes weren't much better, since I felt like every question was a trick. I don't think that's the point of a quiz. We're trying to learn stuff not get out of Wonderland. It shouldn't be tricky business. But what do I know? I've only been going to school for forever. 

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
The textbook was an excellent way to make me fall asleep/question every decision I have ever made in my life. I don't think that answers the question, but I don't care because it's a stupid question. 

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
He was really cooperative. He worked with me (and the other students) really well. He laughed at his own jokes though. That made me question his intentions. Not that that matters much. I just feel weird when people laugh at their own jokes when no one else laughs.

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