Friday, December 5, 2014

Evaluation of 2D Design

How can this class be improved?
I really liked this class. I will be completely honest. The teaching was excellent for a class like this. It was more about giving some direction to go in and creating something that was expressive of yourself. This was so refreshing from a lot of my other classes where the professor barks orders at you, and keeps your project to the letter rather than actually teaching us to use our brains and create something new. My one comment though for something that I didn't like; there was one weird lady with psychotic teeth that had an exorcism head that turned completely around to grin at me. That was really uncomfortable. So basically discourage weird teethed people from looking at me. 

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
Like I said, the teaching method was excellent. We were given constructive criticism, and it was presented in a way that didn't make you feel stupid or inadequate. We were given plenty of time for projects, and it wasn't overwhelming. I feel like a lot of classes like this are really easy to become overwhelming, but this one didn't. It was a lot of work, but I didn't feel like a Hebrew with a pyramid to build. 

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
His mustache is awesome.

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