Monday, April 28, 2014

Evaluation of Health Communication

How can this class be improved?
There were massive amounts of reading that we had to do. It was way too much. My eyes became so strained, I actually considered grinding up aspirin and sprinkling it into my eyeballs. We took quizzes that were 15 questions with about 120 pages of reading material. That is insane. Never before have I read so much material. Every time I went to read some more for this class I fell asleep and dreamed about stupid things like a hospital full of Spanish speaking people and only non Spanish speaking me to take care of them all. Thanks for that. Let's never do it again.

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
I dunno. It's arms?

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
Probably her last name. I mean McCracken. How freaking cool is that? It sounds like a pirate name. Cheers to you, Cap'n' McCracken.

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