Monday, May 5, 2014

The Omegle Adventures Part V

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
Stranger: from whr
You: The Death Star. You?
Stranger: Egypt
You: That's swell.
Stranger: m or
You: Last I checked, I am female.
You: You?
Stranger: male
You: That's super. And how old are you?
Stranger: 20 year
Stranger: u
You: 21. So how about those pyramids?
Stranger: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You: Like the letter h huh?
You: I like the letter s because it makes that noise that I make when people stand too close.
Stranger: can I see you
You: Do you have eyes?
Stranger: h huh
Stranger: on Skype
You: Let me think about it.
You: Thought about it
You: No
You: >:( That's what I look like.
Stranger: what is your name
You: My name is Sarah Sly. You?
Stranger: saleh Sedek
Stranger: s.s
You: Uh huh
Stranger: do you have Skype
Stranger: ?
You: Remember when I said I didn't want to Skype? I stand by that remark.
Stranger: srry
You: You should be
Stranger: but I want see you
You: I don't care.
Stranger: where is death star there ?
You: In a land far far away.
You: Why don't you go ahead and Google Death Star.
You: So how long are we going to drag out this conversation?
Stranger: 1 min
You: Ugh.
You: Bored now.
Stranger has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: are u female?
You: That's what my driver's license says
Stranger: ?
Stranger: u m/f?
You: Slow huh? I am a female.
Stranger: but i'm submissive
You: That usually indicates a missing spine.
Stranger: okay
Stranger: can u be my strict mistress ?
You: I'm more the lazy anti social type.
You: Also, strict mistress? What is wrong with you?
Stranger: yess i wanna strict mistress ....
Stranger: many people like strict mistress
You: Well isn't that nice. I prefer the company of my TV.
Stranger: can u be my mistress?
You: Wow you really are slow.
Stranger: please please be my mistress ill always obey u
You: This might be interesting. Go tape two turtles together so one has it's legs on the ground and the other one has it's legs in the air. For science, of course.
You: Go on. Scoot.
Stranger: yess mistress
You: Stop that. It's creepy.
Stranger: can i drink your toilet?
You: I don't know how to respond to that.
You: You do realize what happens in toilets right?
You: And what germs are?
Stranger: nope
You: Obviously. How old are you?
Stranger: 20
You: Wow what a sad human being you are. Go look up germs. It will change your life.
You: Oh that makes sense.
Stranger has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi stranger cute.mouth2
You: Are you trying to complement me?
You: I do have a cute little mouth. Always eating stuff. What a rascal.
Stranger has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: Look here                                                     
You: You again?
Stranger: No
You: Yes. This is the third time you have sent that to me.
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: Sorry
You: Meh.
Stranger: The bots annoy me
Stranger: So I try to annoy the bots
You: Those pesky bots.
You: Well good luck with that.
Stranger: Ya..
Stranger: No not really
Stranger has disconnected.

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