Monday, April 28, 2014

Evaluation of Communication Ethics

How can this class be improved?
Well for one, the professor wasn't very clear about assignments and such. For a communications professor, this seems pretty stupid. Also, half of the class failed the midterm if that tells you anything. Her tests were approximately ten billion questions long, so that was fun. Also the textbook was very unhelpful. The majority of the reading that we had to do would talk about what it was going to talk about in the next section. Why?! There were also a ton of grammatical errors, which was really distracting. It referenced cell phones as a 'new' technology if that's any indication to how relevant the text was. 

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
The sheer force the confusion created by this class used to punch me in the face. Everything was made more complicated than it needed to be, and we were expected to memorize an insane amount of crap. It made the bags under my eyes get so big, I'm afraid that my head will fall in. Think about that, will you?

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
She really lectured the class for not understanding the material, even though that probably wasn't our fault. She was really confusing. This class should have been called Communication Confusion. 

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