Monday, April 28, 2014

Evaluation of Typography

How can this class be improved?
It would help if the professor wasn't so hyper critical. It was all straighten this, add this, spend 72 more hours making this. It was really irritating. It would also be nice if she would let us get out of class early once in a while. When the entire classes stomachs are growling in unison, it's probably a good idea to let us go before the computer cords are eaten. After a while, they do kind of look like spaghetti noodles without sauce. Eventually that seems pretty appetizing, which is sad since spaghetti without sauce tastes like moist rubber bands.

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
Probably the combined power of all the computers in the room. I'm sure their processing power combined would be quite impressive.

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
She had a frown the size of the equator if that counts for anything. The end.

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