Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Evaluation of VT 2600 Creative Imaging

How can this class be improved?
Well I tested out of this class so I'm not really a fountain of information about it. However looking back at my notes for the times that I went to this class I kept writing things like "I'm borrreed", "me sleepy", and "whhhyyyy". I'm not sure that bodes too well for this class.

What were the greatest strengths for this course?
Again, I really don't know since I tested out. When I was there I remember I was always really bored. I already know who to recolor things. I already know how to add stuff into a photo or take it away. He really should teach things like how to make you not look monstrously fat and ugly in photos. Or maybe how to Photoshop your head onto another body. Of course I already know how to do such things, but I'm sure it would have made things interesting for the class.

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
You keep asking me these questions as if I'm supposed to know the answer. I don't really know about strengths but when he was trying to show how to change the color of something, it took him about an hour or so. I was done changing the color of stuff within 5 minutes. I spent the rest of my time staring at the wall with my mouth hanging open. Like a boss.

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