Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Evaluation of Chemistry 1015 (Lab)

How can this class be improved?
The class itself was fine, but I don't get the need for a Chem lab. I think there should be an option to watch every season of Breaking Bad and that counts for your Chem lab credit. Or you could just max out your alchemy skill on Skyrim. It's really up to you.

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
Probably the stench given off by the smelly (sulfuric?) acid. That was really strong. It curled my nose hairs and burned my brain. 

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
His ability to give me the giggles with his ridiculous stories. Hi-larious! It was like dangerous comedy since we were playing with chemicals and laughing at the same time. Luckily I have death grip hands, so I didn't splash acid in my eyes or anything. That would have been frowny.

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