Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My 10 New Year's Resolutions

Well it is almost a new year and I feel that it is necessary to say things that probably are not necessary. As per usual. Anyways, I have never been much for celebrating like some sort of social freak (ew), and the most I ever do to celebrate is have a Pepsi and burp myself to sleep. I tolerate the shenanigans of others, mainly because I don't care to fester the energy to be angry about it, as seen here:
Anyways, some people make resolutions or set some sort of goals to make themselves better. I have some of my own, which I am sure will be nothing short of inspiring and epic. Here they are.
1. Eat more candy.
2. Insult someone on Facebook. 
3. Don't kill anyone this semester.
4. Bug my angriest cat more with sticks and possibly shove her into a doll dress (fingers crossed). 
5. If the angry cat tries to kill me when attempting to shove her into said doll dress, give up and make the fat cat wear it instead.
6. Watch more infomercials. 
7. Avoid being slammed in the dishwasher (again) by a certain 3 year old. 
8. Stop trying to scare the fish so he will flare his gills at me. It makes him poop.
9. Call people a slut more often.
10. Learn how to use a straw. I'm getting tired of stabbing myself in the eyeballs with them.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Evaluation of VT 2600 Creative Imaging

How can this class be improved?
Well I tested out of this class so I'm not really a fountain of information about it. However looking back at my notes for the times that I went to this class I kept writing things like "I'm borrreed", "me sleepy", and "whhhyyyy". I'm not sure that bodes too well for this class.

What were the greatest strengths for this course?
Again, I really don't know since I tested out. When I was there I remember I was always really bored. I already know who to recolor things. I already know how to add stuff into a photo or take it away. He really should teach things like how to make you not look monstrously fat and ugly in photos. Or maybe how to Photoshop your head onto another body. Of course I already know how to do such things, but I'm sure it would have made things interesting for the class.

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
You keep asking me these questions as if I'm supposed to know the answer. I don't really know about strengths but when he was trying to show how to change the color of something, it took him about an hour or so. I was done changing the color of stuff within 5 minutes. I spent the rest of my time staring at the wall with my mouth hanging open. Like a boss.

Evaluation of VT 2500 Computer Illustration

How can this class be improved?
I only have one complaint about this class which is thus: we still had class the day that Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag was released. I'm sure there really isn't anything that could have been done to change this, but it made me really squirmy in class. That was bad because we had to go look at stuff in the library and all the little bookworms kept giving me angry looks. "Look at that squirmy fool, thinking she can come to our library". I know that's what they were all thinking. Needless to say, I drove home recklessly and flew up the stairs into my room to be with my precious Assassin's Creed. 

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
It's ability to make me hungrier than I have ever been in my life ever. 

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
Well he was really nice to everyone which really stood out to a jerk like me. If I was the instructor of this class there would have been a lot more thrown computers and law suits when asked to explain the pen tool for the 300th time.

Evaluation of Chemistry 1015 (Lab)

How can this class be improved?
The class itself was fine, but I don't get the need for a Chem lab. I think there should be an option to watch every season of Breaking Bad and that counts for your Chem lab credit. Or you could just max out your alchemy skill on Skyrim. It's really up to you.

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
Probably the stench given off by the smelly (sulfuric?) acid. That was really strong. It curled my nose hairs and burned my brain. 

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
His ability to give me the giggles with his ridiculous stories. Hi-larious! It was like dangerous comedy since we were playing with chemicals and laughing at the same time. Luckily I have death grip hands, so I didn't splash acid in my eyes or anything. That would have been frowny.

Evaluation of Art History 2710

How can this class be improved?
This class could be improved if the people in the class were smarter. This isn't really anything that can be controlled (legally), but as someone who has no patience and is harshly judgmental, it was hard to sit through a class where the professor had to repeat everything she says 3 or 4 times. I was also really insulted when one lady whipped her head around and glared at me. I don't know what the glare was for but I'll just go ahead and assume she was offended by my disgusting face or perhaps my awful posture.

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
For the record, I hate this question. Anyways, I think the greatest strength of this course was probably how great the instructors teaching method was. She's pretty great and she always handed out candy. Like a boss.

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
She showed us a clip from Assassin's Creed to show us the Pantheon. That's probably the greatest thing that has happened to me in any class ever. Yeah I know shut up, my life is sad.