Sunday, February 16, 2014

How Stress is Ruining My Life

 As some of you may have figured out, when I get stressed I become a pile of anxiety and sorrow. Since midterms are coming up, this is starting to happen. It's very terrible. I get what I like to call my ugly anxiety face (clever, yeah?). It's pretty bad. Like really bad. Here it is:
Don't pretend none of you have had this face.
Everything is taken as an affront to me. Everything is offensive. It's not even good things like people trying to murder me. You know, normal stuff people get offended over. I only assume it's offensive if someone tries to murder you. I mean if someone hates you enough to at least try to kill you, something is clearly wrong. But it's probably not your fault, so don't worry. Anyways, I get offended by weird things. Someone can call me stupid and I don't get offended, but if my phone tells me it needs to be charged, oh man. The ugly anxiety face emerges. Why do I get anxious over something so stupid? I don't know, but I clearly have issues. Especially at midterm/finals/Black Friday times. It kills me from the inside.
Let me talk about midterms for a minute. Hasn't this semester just started? How the banana crackers is it freaking midterms? I suppose all my slaving over homework has made all the days melt together like ice cream left out in the sun. I've been spending like 18 hours on a single project for one class because it has to be perfect or I'll just die. It's killing me, and I need to quit being so OCD about it (this is my cry for help). But back to midterms. I hate studying more than anything ever, which makes me more anxious, and thus more susceptible to my ugly anxiety face. The worst is when you go to take the midterm, and suddenly you forget everything you've ever known. Then you sit there sweating and swearing under your breath (because swears are the only thing you can remember) while trying not to violently sob/vomit. In case you haven't guessed it yet, I do not do well under stress. Specifically test taking type stress. Case in point: 

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