Saturday, October 19, 2013

Furby Horrors

So I have recently noticed that those Furby things have made a comeback. Why? I don't know. Back in the day these things were basically the equivalent of what Fur Real pets are to kids now. One year for Christmas my parents got my sister, Kristen, and I a Furby. I remember that I tried to feed it things like french fries and cheese slices. It didn't react, and I eventually got bored. Apparently, Kristen got bored with hers as well, because she began to mercilessly torture her Furby. It started off with small things, such as leaving it under a pile of clothes or in a dark closet until she got tired of it telling her that it was scared. Eventually things began to escalate. I remember being in my mom's bedroom watching TV (or possibly staring at the wall) and Kristen very suddenly threw her Furby against the wall as hard as she possibly could. I assume this was part of her Furby brain damage studies.

After she repeatedly bounced her Furby off the wall, all while laughing hysterically, I swear I could see true terror in that Furby's eyes. It was like it knew that it wasn't a good enough toy for Kristen, and it was going to pay for it. At this point the Furby said something along the lines of, "I love you". It sounded like a desperate plea instead of the usual monotone robot voice. Of course, this made Kristen enjoy torturing it even more and if I recall correctly she moved on from banging the Furby against the wall to trying to force its mouth all the way open. She then got bored with this once the unfortunate Furby's mouth had mysteriously "fallen" off. This is where things got disturbing. I mean, more than it already was. I remember hearing her maniacally giggling behind her closed bedroom door.This happened on a regular basis so I decided to ignore her. I later found out that she had skinned her Furby, as I found it without any fur and looking like it went through literal Hell. I imagine that this is what it looked like behind the door of her torture chamber:

I'm not sure what happened to that Furby, but I would imagine it spend it's last days sobbing violently in a landfill until it turned into fertilizer. A short while after the death of Kristen's Furby, mine began to be extremely annoying. Every time it would say anything, it would be very early in the morning while I was sleeping. Needless to say, Kristen's Furby had a friend to hang out with in the landfill shortly thereafter. 

1 comment:

  1. what the frigg????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! did you here about the shooting at toysrus about 99% off furbys btw do furbys have knees
