Monday, April 22, 2013

Evaluation of Chemistry 1010

Question: How can this class be improved?

My answer: Well first off, the professor could stop talking about rape and kidnapping so often. That was always kinda really uncomfortable. He also told the same stories repeatedly, and people acted like they had never heard that story before. I assume this was in hope that they could improve their grade. But overall, his stories about the death penalty and his fights with moles made me tired and confused. My eyebrows were lowered in angles that I didn't know existed until this class.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this course?

My answer: I think that it's greatest strength was how deeply it confused me. The amount of it's confusion was so strong, it could be measured on the Richter scale. This class is the definition of question mark eyes and bewildered mouth syndrome.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?

My answer: I think that his ability to make everyone extremely uncomfortable was astonishing. He must practice a lot. Oh and he was always sure to let us know about his fights with his wife. If that's not completely sane and functional, then I don't know what is. I think I learned more about his marital problems then I learned about chemistry. Overall, he is socially awkward and should stop telling horror stories.

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