Thursday, May 3, 2012

Evaluation of Social Problems by Lindsay

The teachers name is Logan Reid. He looks like Ezio from Assassin's Creed Revelations.

Question: How can this class be improved?

My Answer: This class could be improved if the desks were a tad bit more comfortable as the class is super long. One's bottom gets sore. Also, get rid of the country music. It rips my soul in two and twists it like someone ringing out a wet rag. It would also help if some of the other students would talk faster and get to the point. I suggest using some sort of whip to crack over the students' head.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this course?

My Answer: The professor always dressed nice, which made me feel like I should be at some sort of ballroom dance, sipping on champagne and Sprite while talking about the adverse effects of the war on the economy in a British accent and chuckling politely at the appropriate times.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?

My Answer: For one, he had great stories. Also he handed out candy when we took the final, which is the key to winning over my glutenous heart. We did however have a lot of assignments, which kinda made me feel like a drug dealer with too many clients. However that is a great example of a social problem, so I guess I did learn something besides what the best food was out of the vending machine in the hallway.

Evaluation of Nutrition by Lindsay

My professors name is David Hall. Avoid him like the plague.

Question: How can this class be improved?

My Answer: Well this class has a multitude of terrible terrible problems. The tests were impossible as the correct study guides were not provided. The assignments said to do one thing, and the professor said to do another, and whatever way you chose to do it was wrong. I did try in this class, until I realized that it was impossible and not even the great detective Batman could figure it out. Overall this class was awful. I learned absolutely nothing other than to avoid this professor for the rest of life, which is magnificently shorter due to the unnecessary stress this class caused. I believe that I have now ruined the shower in my apartment as this class caused my hair to fall out in large clumps, so the drain looks like a nest of spiders lives in it. At the end of this class I have lost 40 years of my life and three fourths of my hair. Bravo Mr. Hall. Bravo.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this class?

My Answer: The greatest strength of this class was the brute force that failure used to slap me in the face. Overall this class was grotesque and offensive. My depression has now deepened to the level of eating 40 pounds worth of cheese and pepperoni each day. Now I am fat, angry, and depressed. I had just bought about a dozen pair of jeans before this class and now my wide bottom can't squish into any of those pants due to this class. So not only has this course made me fat, angry, and depressed, it has also made hundreds of dollars go to waste on pants that I can't get past my thick thighs.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?

My Answer: His greatest strength was busting out the elastic in my sweat pants. His glasses looked pretty powerful though.