Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Kitty Chronicles

A few months ago we decided to adopt a cat. She has a few interesting/annoying things she seems to really enjoy doing. One of these things is becoming a high pitched mournful sounding foghorn, that goes off the second it is 6:00 am. 

This obnoxious routine usually goes on until someone chases her away from the door while swinging their arms or clapping while yelling. Why she has a meltdown at 6:00, I don't know. She gets pretty hyper throughout the day, and there are a few warning signs that indicate a state of complete insanity. One of these signs is when she peers around corners at you like this:

The other indicator of her insanity is when she tries to escape to the outside world. Every time the front door opens, she will fly out of nowhere and push her head through the door opening, no matter how small it may be. 

Usually after a few hours of yowling and keeping a close watch on the door, she gets tired. It takes a lot of calories to be annoying. She usually refuels by ripping open her bag of cat food, as long as the pantry door is open. 
She then likes to top it off by slamming her face into a box of Otter Pops until there is a hole in it that is the same shape as her head. She has attempted to fling a bag of potatoes open too, but that didn't work out for her. I suspect her teeth got stuck in the bag or she may just prefer to victimize weaker packaging. Here is an actual photo of her so it's obvious why it's so hard to stay mad at her.

And here is an extra photo of her in diaper. Just because.