Friday, June 26, 2015

Some Serious Thoughts on a Serious Matter

With the recent legalization of gay marriage across the country, I have noticed a few things that have irked me. 

Right off the bat I would like to point out that in absolutely no way is homosexuality a choice, just as being heterosexual is not a choice. With all of the persecution, hate, and intolerance homosexual individuals have received, it's hard to believe that someone would wake up one day and think, "those homosexuals have such an easy life. I think I'll be one." No. Life is life, and everyone has to play with the card they are dealt with. Everyone has their problems, and everyone is different in one way or another. The rampant intolerance of people is absolutely the problem, not who someone chooses to marry. I want you to imagine that you have found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Someone you love and care for. Now I want you to imagine that you were forced away from this person, because other people who are not directly involved in your affairs did not approve. People you don't even know, and people that do not know you. How you can validate that as right or correct is beyond my comprehension. I am heterosexual, and if the same oppression placed on homosexuals was placed on me I absolutely would strive for change. 

There is a line between being religious and being a fanatic. The new law passed today does not force religions to change their doctrine. It does not force heterosexuals to enter into a homosexual relationship. I would not "choose" this lifestyle for myself, but I believe that if that is what other consenting adults want to do, there is no valid argument against it in a court of law. 

In my particular religion, the principles of tolerance have always been emphasized. Whether we agree with someones lifestyle or not, there is never any reason for hatred or unkind behavior towards those people. I have seen many members of the same church as me show nothing but hatred, intolerance, and a deplorable lack of empathy. Nothing is ever gained from belittling, criticizing, or chastising the beliefs of others. 

I'm sure I'm lighting a bees nest on fire with this blog, but I wanted to throw my opinion out there. If you don't like it, I don't particularly care. I will believe what I will believe, and so will everyone else. If you disagree, that is fine. I'm not trying to persuade anyone to think the way that I do. I'm a blogger not a lawyer.