Sunday, November 24, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions About Me

So I get asked certain questions repeatedly (thus the title 'Frequently Asked Questions About Me'), and I'm going to answer them. Hopefully this will shut some of you up and answer your super important questions. 

How do you come up with the things you say/do?
First off, I don't come up with anything. It just kinda happens like spontaneous combustion or radiation poisoning. I'm guessing I "come up" with stuff while I spend countless hours staring at the wall with a quizzical expression. Because boredom produces things that can't be explained. It also may be caused by some sort of mental condition, but I'll let you decide.

Why don't you ever smile?
Don't ask me this. I HATE this question, but I'll answer it anyways. The natural resting state of my face makes me look like I am completely full of hatred (which is partially correct), and I can't help it. I was born with a scowl, much like Grumpy Cat. The genes in my face are not made of happies. And just for the record I do smile. Especially when people who ask me this question fall down a flight of stairs.

Are you still going to school?
Yes. Just like the last time you asked me. And the time before that. You don't get a degree over night you silly slut. 

Do you want to...?
You don't even need to finish this question. Do I want to come to your party? Do I want to hear your story about how great your boyfriend/girlfriend is? Do I want to show you how to do things on your computer even though you believe you already know how to do everything yourself and won't listen to anything I say? There is a very simple answer to all of these questions and is probably the same answer to most of the questions you can come up with: 

Do you hate everyone?
No. I am quite introverted so it may seem that way. I tend to stick with people that I know and I only pursue talking to someone I don't know if I get the sense that they would be someone with a good sense of humor. However, if you get in my space and are super annoyingly hyper, I do hate you. Also, don't touch me if you don't know me. I can tolerate hugs or whatever from friends and family, but I really don't like people I don't know in my space. Especially if you stink.