Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Omegle Adventures: Part III

Stranger: hey sl
Stranger: asl
You: 75,  manbird, Mexico
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: m
You: M for moon monkey?
Stranger has disconnected.

Stranger: Heyy
You: Hello
Stranger: Asl?
You: No
Stranger has disconnected.

You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: What for?
Stranger: I'm just curious
You: I see.
Stranger: yeah ill tell u if u tell me
Stranger: I'm a m
You: I never agreed to anything. (Because I'm not curious)
Stranger: okay well ill just talk no need to know then
You: Okay. What do you want to talk about?
Stranger: umm well first what's ur name
You: Turd
Stranger: nice I'm dick
You: I bet you had fun in school with a name like that.
Stranger: ??
You: (I may be mocking you.)
Stranger: well I'm not worrying about that I'm just trying to have a conversation
You: Well then carry on good sir.
Stranger: in fact what do u start
You: I don't know what you are trying to say.
Stranger: what do u want to talk about
You: What is up with this crazy moon of ours?
Stranger: I don't have a moon right now
Stranger: im in California
You: I just meant in general. It's such a weirdo. A bit antisocial if you ask me. I mean it only comes out at night.
Stranger: umm yeah sure ill go with that
You: It's scientific.
Stranger has disconnected.

You: Hello
Stranger: guy or girl
You: Neither. Robot dog.
Stranger has disconnected.

You: Hello
Stranger: hi
You: How are you?
Stranger: m
Stranger: m
You: You have a stutter?
You: Also socially awkward I see.
Stranger has disconnected.