Sunday, January 6, 2013

Skyrim with Lindsay: Serana

I've been meaning to blog more about Skyrim, but it just hasn't happened due to my overeating and and my computer having a stroke. Recently I've had the Dawnguard character, Serana, as my companion as she can never die and can carry a thousand pounds worth of crap. Here is Serana:
She also makes me laugh. Often she will shoot an ice spike through someones skull, and say things such as, "Tough day for you" and "that'll teach you". This makes me happy, except for when I adopted a dog that she beat to death. That was slightly upsetting. This is how that went down:

Serana also comments on things she finds pretty, even when there is a troll snarling at her and waving its arms.

"Dancing troll! Preeeettttyyyy!"
Here is some photos of Serana throughout the day: