Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Evaluation of the Stupidest Class Known to Mankind

The class that I was evaluating is LIB 1010 which is supposed to teach people how to cite papers properly. Here is my evaluation:

Question: In what ways will this class assist you in your academic, career, and personal goals?

My answer: Well the fact is, this class was completely pointless as all good English classes teach all of this material within a few days, instead of a whole semester. I already knew how to cite a paper, but didn't test out, as the test out option is nearly impossible, like climbing a building with suction cup arrows, and the questions made as much sense as digging for UFOs. As for my personal goals, I don't form many goals about citing a paper. Rather I set goals such as how many cookies can I fit in my mouth at once, and making a Mutant Ninja Turtle hockey team.

Question: What were the greatest strengths of this class?

My answer: I think that the strongest point is how significantly rude the coordinator of this course is. She treated me like I ran her cat over with a lawn mower repeatedly, while smoking the ashes of her dead father.

Question: How can this class be improved to enhance student learning?

My answer: Well first off, the coordinator could be less hateful and bitter like an old divorced widow with 16 cats and a shotgun. Also this class shouldn't be a pass or fail class, as getting the required score on the test-out/final is quite high. If people want to learn how to cite, they can take an English course. I don't think you really need a whole course teaching students how not to steal material, as that is like teaching a fish how to breathe underwater successfully. There are websites that cite sources for you, so this class is comparable to looking up how to watch videos on Youtube. 

Question: What, if anything, surprised you about this class or about information literacy?

My answer: Well it wasn't too much of a surprise since this is my second time taking this class, since the first time I took it I missed the passing mark by 8 points. 8 POINTS! Now I am forever bitter and resentful towards this class, because one website taught me more about citing than this class ever could.

Question: Other comments or suggestions you would like to make?

My answer: It needs more bacon.