Monday, April 28, 2014

Evaluation of 3D Design

First of all, I'm pretty sure that this class destroyed my brain and my will to live. We had a trillion projects to do, and each one took at least 12 hours to do. It was terrible. With that said, here is my evaluation:

How can this class be improved?
Well sir, I have a couple of suggestions. First of all, cut down the number of projects. I thought I was going to die of exhaustion/glue inhalation due to all the projects I had to do. I have lost countless hours of precious sleep because of this class. Secondly, chill out on studio time. The professor really wanted us to work in the dingy little classroom with very uncomfortable metal stools (aka stalagmites perfect for precision probing) and tiny, tiny desks with wobbly necks. Seriously, the desks had the stability of rolling pins on a slope. I don't know how I was expected to work in such conditions. My bottom got sore, and I couldn't fit all my junk on the desk. Inconvenient to the max. Besides, everyone that is sane would rather work at home without anyone peering over your shoulder at your project. There was also a ton of clay dust on the floor, making everything I set on the floor turn white. This either made me look like a baker of some sort, or a major cocaine addict. 

What were the greatest strengths of this course?
The way that the stress punched me in the stomach and then pointed and laughed at me. I also got some pretty good abs from holding in frustration screams. I'm hoping it improved my abs. It either did that or cracked my ribs. That's strength I suppose. I also think this class gave me a permanent twitch in my eye. Hooray.

What were the greatest strengths of this instructor?
When are you going to stop asking this stupid question? I dunno his strengths. Let me tell you some weaknesses instead, because I'm negative and rude. For each project, he only gave us 10 points, which was pretty discouraging. Let me make something clear. These projects took forever, encouraged strange behavior(such as digging through the trash), and what I imagine you are forced to do for an eternity in Hell. My advice for Mr. Instructor: calm down on the amount of projects. I'm not some mass project production machine. There was way too much to do. During the semester, I actually began to daydream about everything that I would do if I didn't have to finish a project for this class. Usually the activity I daydreamed about was sleeping or eating something that wasn't a Pop Tart. 

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